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Printing Instructions

The "Cranes on Parade" website uses inline frames to display the viewable pages that you see on your monitor.  Some pages have as many as three embedded frames, and will not print as you see them on your screen.  Click here for instructions on printing pages from the "Cranes on Parade" website.


Other pages are designed to open in separate window and can be printed, but will need an adjustment to your browser settings.  These pages are marked with a small printer icon. ()


     Follow these simple instructions.




Along the top of your screen you should see a menu bar with "Tools", move your mouse over it, and select "Internet Options..." from the dropdown menu (see image at right.).

You will have the "Internet Properties" dialog box open on your browser.  Select the "Advanced" tab on top right side of this window.  The choices should be similar to the image below. 





Scroll down until you see the small printer icon ( ) and a box labled "Print background colors and image". 

Select this box and a ( 4 ) checkmark will be placed in the box.

Click "Apply".

Click "OK" and the window will close.  Print as you would normally print and the complete image should appear on the printed page.

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